If your dentist has recommended the periodontal cleaning, then you may be at risk for periodontal disease or you may already have periodontal disease. either way though, it’s important to know the difference between the periodontal cleaning and a regular dental cleaning. Periodontal disease is very serious and requires a deep dental cleaning that is very different than regular teeth cleaning.
What is Scaling?
Sometimes periodontal cleaning is referred to as dental scaling or are planing. This is because periodontal cleaning typically involves scaling the teeth to reduce and get rid of plaque buildup. This process can take a considerable amount of time because the periodontist needs to remove every bit of plaque. When you have built up plaque and tartar on your teeth, this signifies that there is bacterial growth that can eat away at your teeth and ruin your dental health.
What Happens in a Periodontal Cleaning?
The first thing that your dentist or hygienist will do during any periodontal cleaning is to make a recording of your teeth. The periodontist will check every single tooth and measure deep pockets that are around each tooth. This information is transferred to a chart which helps the periodontist to see how advanced the periodontal disease is. Next, the periodontist will completely clean each tooth, including below the gum line. If you are feeling anxious about your periodontal cleaning, let your dentist know so that they can help you to feel more relaxed.
If your dentist or periodontist has recommended a periodontal cleaning, it’s imperative that you make the appointment as soon as possible to ensure the future health of your teeth. For more information about the periodontal cleaning or to book an appointment now, please contact us.